Sunday, 13 February 2011

"Final Cut" - The editing process

Through out our whole editing process we used Final Cut to create our final product. This program was vital in order for us to manipulate the moving images with effects and create a professional video. Here are a few of the effects we used in final cut;


Most of video uses quick, clear cuts due to our disjointed story and fast pace music with strong beats. However at some points where the music slows down or when we wanted to convey confusion or blurred images, reflecting his thoughts, we used Cross dissolves, Fade In and out and also a Non-additive dissolve.


This technique enabled us to effectively portray the idea of Harry's nightmare as he is trying to fall asleep but cannot escape the taunting images of the clown.

Time Lapse

This technique effectively portrayed Harry's isolation and also the sense of being trapped in his own mind as the whole world moves around him and he cannot. It also worked well with the lyrics "In the centre of the city where all roads meet, waiting for you" the busy movement gave a good impression of a city and yet Harry is still, waiting.

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