Sunday, 13 February 2011

Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Once we had completed our rough cut we organised a viewing of our video to a group of young adults (our target audience). We received this feedback which cumulated ultimately to a few major points which led us to make the following changes;

Re-filming sequences in order to improve lighting and framing:

We decided to re-film the strings section and the section where Harry is trying to fall asleep, as we felt the lighting was too dark and affected the quality and over all look of our video:

Rough Cut --> Final Cut

Change of Mise en scene for first alleyway scene and final scene:

From the feedback we also discovered that our audiences felt the alleyway scene did not fit into the over all look of our video and made it look amateur. We decided to re-film this sequence in the woods as it was a location used through out the video and therefore maintained continuity and professionalism.

We also changed Harry's costume for this section and the final section as the black hooded jacket made the video look slightly amateur and cliche.

Improvement of editing in the lip singing sequence:

One point that was raised in all of the feedback was that the lip singing sequence was too long. We decided to break it up with images of the clown between the lyrics, when Harry's lips aren't actually moving. This made it more interesting and exciting and effectively portrayed the idea of the clown taunting Harry.

Once we had completed our final cut we posted the video onto Facebook which is a social networking site targeted at young adults, who are ultimately our target audience. This is the feedback we received:

As a form of feedback most commonly used in the media industry we also decided to interview our target audience on their responses to our video. From this we learnt some of the main factors in our video that had appealed to our audiences and also what we could have improved...

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