Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Audience Feedback

Once we had completed our rough cut we had a group viewing with members of our target audience; young adults who enjoy Indie rock music. We presented our video to the group and received both positive and constructive written feedback once they had seen the video.

The main responses we received were:

  • The editing matched the pace of the music well and that there was a good distinct change between the beginning and where the music builds in the instrumental.
  • Angry scene (instrumental) was effective and lighting and pace of editing helped achieve this
  • The alleyway however did not match editing and most people felt the pace of cuts needed to be faster
  • Some shots, such as the strings coming down, were too dark
  • There were extra clips in the switch between shadows and no shadows (chorus)
  • The pace of editing in the forest could be slowed down
  • The clip with lip-singing was too long and needed cuts between
  • overall people really liked the idea and concept
In response to this feedback our group have made some vital decisions. We have decided to re-film the alleyway and end sequence as we felt it didn't fit into the uniform look of our video but looked quite amateur. We also decided to re-film the strings section and other parts due to poor,dim lighting. We are also in the process of tightening our editing in some areas, such as the chorus and the forest. We also decided cuts between the lip-singing section would look very effective.

The feedback session was very useful and important to our project as ultimately our target audience's opinion is the most important and helped us look at our video from a different perspective.

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