Wednesday, 15 December 2010


Here are the characters in our music video; Harry will be playing the young teenager tormented by his inner battle with puppet.

Name: Harry Painter
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Role: Skitsophrenic teenagers battling his inner "demons" which takes form through the puppet. He is not in control of his own life and the line between reality and nightmare begins to overlap.

Costume: Indie style, hoody needed

Name: Charlie the puppet (skilfully won off ebay!)
Role: the puppet must torment Harry our main character. His presence in subtle and ominous as he represents a tormented state of mind.

Monday, 13 December 2010


This process was never going to be perfectly smooth and ours has been far from! Due to "adverse weather conditions" our timetable was impossible to stick too as we could not get to our locations. However we still had deadlines to meet so we compromised: we extended our filming schedule into the Christmas holidays, and changed our location from Bromley to Dartford which made it much more accessible for us and actually worked our looking much better on film. We also had to change our original actor as he was unavailable and as a group we decided to use Megan's brother Harry as he was more reliable, had the right look and it also meant Megan could film extra parts at home if necessary. So despite all of this we have managed to work around our problems and will hopefully make our deadlines!

Wednesday, 8 December 2010


We have now begun our filming. This is our rough timetable of where and when we plan to film;